However, I had over 1500 aircraft in the almost 2 months I have owned FSX. I have had both and consider Nvidia to be far superior, it's actually kind of astounding because FSX is not the only app that suffers to ATI. Yes, I get driver glitches or semi-crashes all the time. If I have to re-write the panel with gauges that actually don't crash FSX, I am not going to be so in to buying it.I would prefer that there is some easy fix, perhaps a small amount of coddling, a forum post my search missed or something. And the plane works fine, switches and gauges respond in the Dash 8 panel I have, but the VC doesn't work. My best results happen when I remove the ATR folder from the Flight One folder in FSX and re-install.

I tried different C++ redist's and all combinations of all things recommended I have also tried different combinations of panel pre-loads. The plane would load, sometimes even taxi, but inevitably sooner or later everything would freeze and I would see that little blue circling thing, Vista's version of an hourglass. I wouldn't mind detecting crash damage quite so much if the default loadout wasn't grossly overweight.I know, real pilots don't just pop in the cockpit and push the throttles forward but this was not intended as an experience in how hard it can be to actually get a plane off the ground. The "SPLASH!" pop-up was my warning that my preferences had been changed, how nice. The issue seemed sporadic at first, it appeared to start when I overran a runway. My problem is that the plane will only load currently if I swap an alternate panel. Congratulations, this is the first plane I have purchased. I picked the F1 ATR because of the reputable appearance of Flight One and the extremely well put together model, I have not seen in any other model so complete an interior, including a model for the engine turbines. I have already used programs like DXTbit map to convert textures and FS Panel Studio to rewrite panels to make older aircraft work in FSX - basically way beyond slapping in a thumbnail. The ATR was intended to be the plane I chose to learn with and I shopped very carefully. cfg's, I am new to the flight sim unfamiliar with many aeronautical and navigational terms. While I am fairly competent at manipulating folders and simple files like. The problem appeared to start when I crashed with crash detection enabled. If I swap an alternate panel it loads fine. This is the short version, long version follows:įSX/Acceleration has a fatal error when I select the ATR.