It is basically used for trading goods and services and has become the part of the so-called computerized block-chain system allowing anyone to use it thus increasing the craze among the public, Referral Code.Ĭommon people who are willing to purchase BTC can use an online wallet system for buying them safely in exchange of cash or credit cards and in a comfortable way from the thousands of BTC foundations around the world and keep them as assets for the future. In the list of crypto-currencies bit-coins is one of the oldest and more popular Referral Code for the last few years. Referral Code with the growing demand of this global phenomenon more,new traders and business owners are now willing to invest in this currency platform despite its fluctuating prices however it is quite difficult to choose the best one when the market is full. Lalu kemudian disimpan kedalam variabel $jeda.Ĭrypto-currency as a modern form of the digital asset has received a worldwide acclaim for easy and faster financial transactions and its awareness among people have allowed them to take more interest in the field thus opening up new and advanced ways of making payments.

Fungsi abs() adalah untuk mendapatkan angka absolut (angka yg selalu positif) karena bisa saja hasil dari pengurangan tersebut adalah minus, jika $tglAwal lebih besar daripada $tglAkhir. Sehingga didapat hasil yaitu jarak waktu antara 2 variabel tadi dalam satuan detik. Dan $akhir adalah tanggal akhir.ĭua baris diatas mengubah variabel $awal dan $akhir yg berisi string tanggal, kedalam bentuk time (jumlah detik sejak tahun 1 Januari 1970) yang kemudian disimpan ke variable $tglAwal dan $tglAkhir.īaris diatas adalah operasi pengurangan dari $tglAkhir dikurangi $tglAwal. Dimana $awal adalah tanggal awal (dalam kasus ini menggunakan format string penanggalan SQL yaitu tahun-bulan-tanggal). Adalah deklarasi fungsi hitungHari yg menerima 2 parameter, yaitu variabel $awal dan $akhir.